

Who is Sonia ?

By Dr. Subramaniam Swamy presently the President of the Janata Party of India.Antonia is Sonia’s real name in her birth certificate. Sonia is the name given to her subsequently by her father, Stefano Maino [now deceased] following his return from Russia where he had been a prisoner of war.


Rahul Gandhi, the so called ‘Prince’ of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty has once again revealed his anti-Hindu stance. This time he has tried to appease the Muslims by saying that Hindutva is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism.

Opinion On Hinduism

Sonia,in her opinion and according to the affidavit submitted in Supreme Court, Ram is a fictional character and Ramayana never happened. Under her rule ‘Rama Sethu’ is being blown up just like Taliban blew up Buddha Statues.


SONIA is a staunch roman catholic and she is be fooling the HINDU masses by putting tilak on forehead and by performing pooja in HINDU temples and bowing the head before pujari etc.

अजब राहुल (गांधी) की गजब कहानी

अस्वीकरण (DISCLAIMER): मैं किसी राजनैतिक पार्टी का समर्थन नहीं करता हूँ.जो मायावती ने किया, मैं उसका भी समर्थन भी नहीं करता हूँ .पर जब मैंने उत्तर प्रदेश में हो रहे किसान आन्दोलन पर राहुल गाँधी की पाखण्ड भरी टिप्पणी सुनी, तब मुझे बहुत बुरा लगा.राहुल गाँधी: “उत्तर प्रदेश में जो कुछ हुआ उसे देखकर मुझे अपने आपको भारतीय कहने में शर्म आती है.” यू. पी. के लिए शर्मिन्दा होने की इतनी भी क्या जल्दी है?

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Some eye opener for you. You should take out 5min. to read this for yourself and your children / generations to come:
Mrs. Sonia Gandhi
1.    5th std. educated
2.    Italian citizen name: Antonia Maino
3.    Was a waitress. She met Rajiv Gandhi, who was enrolled in Trinity College at the University of Cambridge in 1965 at a
4.    Greek restaurant (Varsity Restaurant) while working there, as a waitress to make ends meet
5.    Then sales executive in UK 
6.    Holds a fake degree in English of Cambridge university

This is the qualification of the lady, who is governing India (beneficiary of 6 biggest scams in Indian history including Boforce, KGB, 2G, Equity sales fraud, Hawala and Swiss accounts). Sonia Gandhi is currently(some days before) in Switzerland not in USA to move their black money from their Swiss accounts. She and Congress are fooling people of India that she is in USA for some surgery/operation. She can have an operation/surgery in India also. India has worlds’ best hospitals and medical facilities available now. She can even call any doctor from world to India as visiting doctor to take opinion on her surgery/operation but as it is all fake story to fool India and its innocent people to transfer Black money before Indian people demands government to act and get it black money back to India. Government is also protracted and not acting on black money now till all politicians take out their money from their Swiss accounts.

Mr. Rahul Gandhi:
1.    With 3 cases outside India caught high on cocaine 
2.    Had failed in Hindi 
3.    Uses his mothers surname outside India and holds dual passports which are a big crime
4.    Having a Columbian girlfriend, whose is a daughter of a drug mafia

You should also come out from wrong notion of Congress and Gandhi. It is not at all related to Mahatma Gandhi the father of Nation.

Mrs. Indira Gandhi:
1.    Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru
2.    She was named Indira Priyadarshini Nehru.
3.    She fell in love and decided to marry Feroze Khan, a family friend.
4.    Feroze Khan’s father, Nawab Khan, was a Muslim, and mother was a Persian Muslim.
5.    Jawaharlal Nehru did not approve of the inter-caste marriage for political reasons
6.    If Indira Nehru were to marry a Muslim she would loose the possibility of becoming the heir to the future Nehru dynasty.
7.    At this juncture, according to one story, Mahatma Gandhi intervened and adopted Feroze Khan, gave him his last name (family name/caste name) and got the name of Feroz Khan changed to Feroz Gandhi by an affidavit in England.
8.    Thus, Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi. 
9.    The Indira Gandhi was not Gandhi but Indira gained the surname "Gandhi" by her marriage to Feroze Gandhi.
10. She had no relation to Mahatma Gandhi, either by blood or marriage. 

Congress: Congress which is led by such a wrong people is not at all going to do anything good for India.

Please do not depend and leave things on politicians and leaders you elect specially of Congress party. Take active participation in Politics and be an active member in creation of better India for our generations to come. Please open your eyes, mind and if you want India to be the best country in the World, we/ ourselves only will have to work for that. Please do not get trapped into false and future dreams being shown and presented by your corrupt/criminal politicians. Go into depth and use your power of voting wisely. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

अब तो ये भी मान गये कि पाकिस्तानी हमारे जैसे नहीं

कल के दिल्ली से प्रकाशित हिन्दुस्तान टाइम्स (Hindustan Times Delhi 08/02/09) में वीर सांघवी द्वारा लिखा गया लेख देखिये। जो बात भारत का आम नागरिक शुरु से कह रहा है उसको अब ये बड़े-बड़े लोग भी मान रहे हैं कि पाकिस्तान के लोग हमारे जैसे नहीं हैं। पाकिस्तान के लोग वास्तव में भारत विरोधी, हिन्दी विरोधी, जेहादी मानसिकता वाले, झूठे और इस्लामी जगत में सिरमौर बनने की इच्छा रखने वाले हैं। दरअसल भारत में कुछ अति उदारवादी और शांतिवादियो का प्रिय शौक है भारत के लोगों को बार-बार ये बताना कि पाकिस्तान के लोग हमारे जैसे ही हैं, वो हमारी जैसी बोली बोलते है, वो हमारे जैसे दिखते हैं, वो हमारे भाई हैं इत्यादि इत्यादि। आजादी से पहले तो पाकिस्तान भारत का ही हिस्सा था तो वो हमारे जैसे तो दिखेंगे ही, हमारी बोली बोलने वाले होंगे ही, लेकिन ये अलग हैं दिमागों में भरी अपनी अलगाव की भावना से। अगर ये हमारे जैसे ही थे, हमारे ही भाई थे तो पाकिस्तान अलग बनवाया ही क्यों था?  अप टीवी पर किसी भी पाकिस्तानी को सुनिये, मानने को भी तैयार नहीं है कि वहां कोई गलत बात हो रही है। इमरान खान जैसा व्यक्ति जो इंग्लैंड में पढ़ा है इतने साल वहां रहा है पढ़ा-लिखा है वो भी आजकल जेहादी आतंकवादियो का समर्थन करता नजर आता है। लड़कियों के स्कूल बम से उड़ा दिये गये जायें, लड़कियां पढ़ न पायें, शरीयत के अनुसार शासन चले, इमरान खान को इसमें कोई परेशानी  नहीं है। इसी से समझा जा सकता है कि पाकिस्तान का समाज किस कदर जेहाद में अंधा हो चुका है। अब वक्त आ गया है हम सब समझे कि पाकिस्तानी हमारे जैसे नहीं हैं। इनकी सोच हमसे बिलकुल अलग है। उदारवादियों और शांतिवादियों को अब इनको अपने जैसा होने का प्रचार बन्द कर देना चाहिये। मुंबई में 26/11 की आतंकी घटना के बाद से अब इन उदारवादियों और शांतिवादियों की खोखली बातों को कोई मानने को तैयार नहीं है और इसी का प्रमाण है वीर सांघवी का ये लेख।

Monday, November 21, 2011


Students study in their classroom in Abbottabad

ISLAMABAD: Text books in Pakistani schools foster prejudice and intolerance of Hindus and other religious minorities, while most teachers view non-Muslims as ”enemies of Islam,” according to a study by a US government commission released on Wednesday.
The findings indicate how deeply ingrained hard-line Islam is in Pakistan and help explain why militancy is often supported, tolerated or excused in the country.
”Teaching discrimination increases the likelihood that violent religious extremism in Pakistan will continue to grow, weakening religious freedom, national and regional stability, and global security,” said Leonard Leo, the chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.
Pakistan was created in 1947 as a homeland for the Muslims of South Asia and was initially envisaged as a moderate state where minorities would have full rights.
But three wars with mostly Hindu India; support for militants fighting Soviet-rule in Afghanistan in the 1980s; and the appeasement of hard-line clerics by weak governments seeking legitimacy have led to a steady radicalisation of society.
Religious minorities and those brave enough to speak out against intolerance have often been killed, seemingly with impunity, by militant sympathizers.
The commission warned that any significant efforts to combat religious discrimination, especially in education, would ”likely face strong opposition” from hardliners.
The study reviewed more than 100 textbooks from grades 1-10 from Pakistan’s four provinces.
Researchers in February this year visited 37 public schools, interviewing 277 students and teachers, and 19 madrases, where they interviewed 226 students and teachers.
The Islamisation of textbooks began under the US-backed rule of army dictator Gen. Zia-ul-Haq, who courted Islamists to support his rule.
In 2006, the government announced plans to reform the curriculum to address the problematic content, but that has not been done, the study said.
Pakistan’s Islamist and right-wing polity would likely oppose any efforts to change the curriculum, and the government has shown no desire to challenge them on the issue.
The report found systematic negative portrayals of minorities, especially Hindus and to a lesser extent to Christians.
Hindus make up more than one per cent of Pakistan’s 180 million people, while Christians represent around two per cent. Some estimates put the numbers higher.
There are also even smaller populations of Sikhs and Buddhists.
”Religious minorities are often portrayed as inferior or second-class citizens who have been granted limited rights and privileges by generous Pakistani Muslims, for which they should be grateful,” the report said.
”Hindus are repeatedly described as extremists and eternal enemies of Islam whose culture and society is based on injustice and cruelty, while Islam delivers a message of peace and brotherhood, concepts portrayed as alien to the Hindu.”
The books don’t contain many specific references to Christians, but those that ”that do exist seem generally negative, painting an incomplete picture of the largest religious minority in Pakistan,” the report said.
Attempts to reach Pakistan’s education minister were not successful.
The textbooks make very little reference to the role played by Hindus, Sikhs and Christians in the cultural, military and civic life of Pakistan, meaning ”a young minority student will thus not find many examples of educated religious minorities in their own textbooks,” the report said.
”In most cases historic revisionism seems designed to exonerate or glorify Islamic civilisation, or to denigrate the civilisations of religious minorities,” the report said.
”Basic changes to the texts would be needed to present a history free of false or unsubstantiated claims which convey religious bias.”
The researchers also found that the books foster a sense that Pakistan’s Islamic identity is under constant threat.
”The anti-Islamic forces are always trying to finish the Islamic domination of the world,” read one passage from social studies text being taught to Grade 4 students in Punjab province, the country’s most populated.
”This can cause danger for the very existence of Islam. Today, the defense of Pakistan and Islam is very much in need.”
The report states that Islamic teachings and references were commonplace in compulsory text books, not just religious ones, meaning Pakistan’s Christians, Hindus and other minorities were being taught Islamic content.
It said this appeared to violate Pakistan’s constitution, which states that students should not have to receive instruction in a religion other than their own.
The attitudes of the teachers no doubt reflect the general intolerance in Pakistan.
The 2011 Pew Research Center study found the country is the third most intolerant in the world, but because of the influence they have, they are especially worrisome.
Their views were frequently nuanced and sometimes contradictory.


Sunday, November 20, 2011


Rahul Gandhi, the so called ‘Prince’ of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty has once
again revealed his anti-Hindu stance. This time he has tried to appease the
Muslims by saying that Hindutva is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism.

In controversial comments, Rahul Gandhi has told US Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer that the growth of “radicalized Hindu groups” posed a bigger threat to the country than militant groups like the Lashkar-e-Toiba, according to a leaked American diplomatic cable.
“Gandhi, however, warned, the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups, which create religious tensions and political confrontations with the Muslim community,” it said.

Rahul Gandhi is an idiot just like his ancestors, he doesn’t know what to
say, when to say and to whom should he speak. He is completely dumb when it
comes to national level politics. Once again, following the footmarks of his
ancestors he has shown his anti-Hindu stance. His statements has jeopardized
India’s position against Islamic terrorism. Now the Islamic terrorist
organisations will say that it’s the Hindu organisations who pose a greater
threat to India.

What an idiot.!
Let’s see who is more dangerous:

Who partitioned India – were it the Muslims or RSS?
Who killed 1 million Hindus during partition riots - were it
the Muslims or RSS?
Who started riots on Direct Action Day – were it the Muslims or RSS?
Who killed 50,000 Kashmiri Hindus in J&K – were it the Muslims or RSS?
Who attacked India four times in the last 63 years- were it the
Muslims or RSS?
Who is doing terrorism in Kashmir – Muslims or RSS?
Who killed 59 Hindus in Godhra(2002) – were it the Muslims or RSS?
Who always starts the riots – Muslims or RSS?


Source :


(Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
After Sonia married Rajiv, she went about minting money with scant regard for Indian laws and treasures. Within a few years the Mainos went from utter poverty to billionaires. There was no area that was left out for the rip-off. On November 19, 1974, as fresh entrant to Parliament, I asked the then Prime Minister Ms. Indira Gandhi on the floor of the House if her daughter-in-law, Sonia Gandhi was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company [Oriental Fire & Insurance], giving the Prime Minister’s official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to insure all the officers of the PMO while remaining an Italian citizen [thus violating FERA]? There was uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare admission that it was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had resigned from her insurance agent status [after my question]. But Sonia was incorrigible. Her contempt for Indian law continued to manifest.


Sonia said that she was not interested in politics, she would not enter politics. She said she would not become a Congress member. She will only help the party as a person belonging to the Congress family. She said I am just a four penny member; I will not occupy any position. 
And then she goes and physically throws out poor Sitaram Kesari (then president of Congress party) from the office. Physically, poor fellow. He has gone to the toilet. His chair was empty, and you know what happened? These congress goons, they went and locked up the toilet and made Sonia occupy that place. And the elderly man cried. This is how she became the Congress President. In the same way as the western armies in the past, would invade other civilizations. Seize power, she seized power in a ‘coup d’toilet'

This is how every word that she has spoken so far had nothing to do with what she did. Her conduct was the very reverse of her professions.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

अजब राहुल (गांधी) की गजब कहानी

अस्वीकरण (DISCLAIMER): मैं किसी राजनैतिक पार्टी का समर्थन नहीं करता हूँ.  जो मायावती ने किया, मैं उसका भी समर्थन भी नहीं करता हूँ .    पर जब मैंने उत्तर प्रदेश में हो रहे किसान आन्दोलन पर राहुल गाँधी की पाखण्ड भरी टिप्पणी सुनी,  तब मुझे बहुत बुरा लगा.   राहुल गाँधी: “उत्तर प्रदेश  में जो कुछ हुआ उसे देखकर मुझे अपने आपको भारतीय कहने में शर्म आती है.”   यू. पी. के लिए शर्मिन्दा होने की इतनी भी क्या जल्दी है? यू. पी. के लिए शर्मिन्दा होने की इतनी भी क्या जल्दी है? आज़ादी के पहले से लेकर आज़ादी के बाद तक, 1939 से 1989 तक ( इक्का दुक्का अन्य सरकारों और आपातकाल को छोड़कर जो आपकी  दादी माँ इंदिरा गाँधी की सौगात थी), कांग्रेस ने इस देश पर ज़्यादातर समय तक राज किया है.  भारत के 14 में से 8 प्रधानमन्त्री यू पी से थे, 8 में से 6 प्रधानमन्त्री कांग्रेस से थे… आपकी पार्टी के पास कम से कम आधी शताब्दी और आधे से ज्यादा प्रधानमंत्री थे देश का  निर्माण  करने  के लिए… मुलायम सिंह जैसे लोग मुख्यमंत्री सिर्फ इसलिए बने क्योंकि आपकी पार्टी राज्य में अपने काम-काज को लेकर ‘गांधीवादी’ सिर्फ कागजों पर थी. अगर आप थोड़ा ध्यान दें तो शायद आपको यह अहसास होगा कि यू पी की अभी की अराजकता वाली हालत कांग्रेस के लगभग 50 साल तक रहे गरिमामय शासन का ही नतीजा है. तो  राहुल बाबू…..यू. पी. के लिए शर्मिन्दा होने की इतनी भी क्या जल्दी है? मायावती तो सिर्फ उसी ‘जमीन अधिशासन विधेयक’ का इस्तेमाल कर रही है जिसका आपकी कांग्रेस ने किसानों को लूटने के लिए कई बार इस्तेमाल किया है. आपकी पार्टी ने इस विधेयक को तब क्यों नहीं बदला जब वो शासन में इतने लम्बे समय तक थी? मैं मायावती के काम को समर्थन नहीं दे रहा… लेकिन आपकी पार्टी द्वारा किये जाने वाले काम और आपकी टिप्पणी आपकी ‘नीयत’ और ‘विश्वसनीयता’ पर भी सवाल खड़े करती है.   अगर आप वास्तव में शर्मिन्दा होना चाहते हैं घबराइये मत, मैं आपको शर्मिन्दा होने के कई कारण देने वाला हूँ… अगर आप वास्तव में शर्मिन्दा होना चाहते हैं! पहले तो आप प्रणव मुखर्जी से पूछिए कि वो स्विस बैंकों में अकाउंट्स रखने वालों के बारे में सूचना क्यों  नहीं दे रहे… अपनी माँ से पूछिए कि  74 ,000 करोड़ के  कर चोरी के मामले में हसन अली के खिलाफ जांच कौन रोक रहा है.  नवम्बर 1999 में राजीव गांधी के गुप्त बैंक खाते में 2 .5 बिलियन स्विस फ्रांक (2.2 बिलियन डॉलर)  थे   (ANNEXURE 10 देखें) उनकी मृत्यु के बाद सोनिया गांधी इस पैसे की एकमात्र हकदार थीं. यह तो 1991 की बात है, सिर्फ उन्हें पता है अब इसमें कितने पैसे हैं. कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि इसी कारण से भारत सरकार स्विस बैंकों में अकाउंट्स रखने वालों के नाम नहीं दे रही? उनसे जाकर पूछिए, 2G घोटाले में 60 % हिस्सा  किसे मिला? कलमाडी पर कुछ सैकडे करोड़ रुपयों का इलज़ाम है. कॉमनवेल्थ गेम्स के बाकी पैसे किसकी जेब में गए? प्रफुल पटेल से पूछिए किसने इन्डियन एयरलाइन्स की हालत खराब की. एयर इंडिया ने  लाभकारी रूट्स को क्यूँ छोड़ा? हम टैक्स भरने वाले एयर इंडिया के नुकसान को क्यों भरें? जब आप एक एयर लाइन प्रोपर्टी नहीं चला सकते, देश कैसे चलाएंगे? मनमोहन सिंह से पूछिए. वो इतने समय से शांत क्यों  हैं? लोग कहते हैं वो इमानदार हैं. उनकी इमानदारी किसकी तरफ है – देश की ओर या एक व्यक्ति विशेष  की ओर? सी बी आई ने रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया पर छापा मारा और उसे 500 एवं 1000 के नोटों की भारतीय  नकली मुद्राओं का ज़खीरा मिला. वो भी रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया में? भारत सरकार इस पर चुप क्यों है? तो फिर इस बढ़ती मुद्रास्फीती का कारण है क्या - वाणिज्य या राजनीति ? ( इकोनोमिक्स या पोलिटिक्स )   भोपाल गैस ट्रेजेडी  के गुनाहगार अभी तक खुले आम घूम रहे हैं. कौन है इसका जिम्मेवार? (इसमें 20,000 लोग मारे गए थे) 1984 में सिखों की सामूहिक ह्त्या हुई. वो भी सरकार के समर्थन से. किसने यह करवाया? 1976 -77 की इमरजेंसी के बारे में पढ़ना मत भूलिए. जब हाई कोर्ट ने इंदिरा गांधी के लोकसभा चुनाव में चयन को अवैध ठहराया, उन्होंने कैसे देश को इमरजेंसी में धकेल दिया.  (ज़ाहिर है कि  उनके मन में भी लोकतंत्र, न्यायपालिका और स्वतंत्र प्रेस के लिए तहे दिल से इज्ज़त थी.) जवाब तो आप जान ही गए होंगे.     पर मेरा प्रश्न है कि मायावती और उनके परिवार व पार्टी पर फैसला करने में दुहरे मापदंड का इस्तेमाल क्यों ? मैं मायावती की निंदा करता हूँ. पर राहुलजी, आप सिर्फ उनके लिए शर्मिन्दा क्यों होते हैं? अपने करीबियों के लिए इतनी नरमी बरतने की क्या ज़रुरत है? देश को खस्ताहाल में लाने में उनका योगदान कोई कम तो नहीं है. आप किसानों से उनकी ज़मीन लिए जाने की निंदा करते हैं. ज़रा बताइये कि आपकी पार्टी के शासनकाल  में विदर्भ में कितने किसानों ने खुदकुशी की. उसके लिए आपको शर्मिन्दगी नहीं होती?   72 ,000 करोड़ के लोन की माफी आपकी पार्टी ने किसानों का 72 ,000 करोड़ का लोन माफ़ किया. पर वो तो किसानों तक पहुंचा भी नहीं. आपने अपनी सरकार द्वारा निर्धारित नीतियों को लागू करने पर ध्यान तो दिया नहीं, पर अपनी सुन्दर छवि बनाने के लिए हम पर किसानों के साथ भोजन करते हुए खुद की तस्वीर मीडिया में छपवाते रहते हैं. आप शर्मिन्दा होना चाहते हैं ना! तो इस बात के लिए शर्मिन्दा होइए कि आपकी पार्टी ने लोगों का पैसा (72 ,000 करोड़) सरकार की तिजोरी से खर्च करने के लिए लिया और पूरी तरह बर्बाद कर दिया..   केवल इस गिरफ्तारी पर इतना हल्ला क्यों? राहुलजी , सितम्बर 2001 में आप एफ बी आई द्वारा बोस्टन एयरपोर्ट पर गिरफ्तार किये गए थे. आपके पास नकद में $ 1 ,60 ,000 मिले  थे . आपने अभी तक जवाब नहीं दिया आप इतना सारा पैसा क्यों ले जा रहे थे. संयोग से आप अपनी कोलंबियन गर्लफ्रेंड और  एक कथित रूप से ड्रग माफिया सरगना की बेटी, वेरोनिक कार्टेली,के साथ 9 घंटों तक एयरपोर्ट पर रोककर रखे गए थे. बाद में प्रधानमंत्री श्री वाजपेयी के हस्तक्षेप पर आपको छोड़ा गया. एफ बी आई ने अमेरीका में FIR जैसी शिकायत दर्ज करके आपको जाने दिया. जब सूचना के अधिकार का प्रयोग करते हुए FBI से आपकी गिरफ्तारी के कारणों के बारे में सूचना माँगी गयी तो   FBI ने आपसे ‘कोई आपत्ति नहीं’ का सर्टिफिकेट माँगा. आपने तो कभी जवाब ही नहीं दिया. यह गिरफ्तारी न अखबारों की हेडलाइन बनी ना न्यूज चैनलों पर ब्रेकिंग न्यूज. आपको खुद ही मीडिया के पास जाना चाहिए था और बोलना चाहिए था : “मुझे खुद को भारतीय कहते हुए शर्म आती है.” कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि आप सिर्फ दिखावटी गिरफ्तारियों (उत्तर प्रदेश) पर बवाल मचाते हैं और वास्तविक गिरफ्तारियों (बोस्टन) को कूड़े के डब्बे में डाल देते हैं?   बताइये!!! खैर, अगर आप और शर्मिन्दा महसूस करना चाहते हैं तो पढ़ते जाइए…     2004 में आपकी माँ द्वारा प्रधानमंत्री पद के तथाकथित त्याग के बारे में. नागरिक अधिनियम के एक प्रावधान के अनुसार… एक विदेशी नागरिक अगर भारत का नागरिक बन जाता है तो उस पर वही नियम-क़ानून लागू होंगे जो एक भारतीय नागरिक के इटली के नागरिक बन जाने पर लागू होते हैं.  (Principle of Reciprocity पर आधारित शर्त) [ANNEXURE 1&2 पढ़ें]   जिस तरह आप इटली में प्रधानमंत्री नहीं बन सकते अगर आप वहाँ पैदा नहीं हुए ठीक उसी तरह आप भारत में प्रधानमंत्री नहीं बन सकते अगर आप यहाँ पैदा नहीं हुए!   डॉ. सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी (2G का खुलासा करने वाले) ने भारत के राष्ट्रपति का ध्यान इस बात पर दिलाते हुए एक पत्र भेजा.  [ANNEXURE 3 में उस पत्र को पढ़ें] 17 मई 2004 को शाम 3 :30 बजे भारत के राष्ट्रपति ने इस सम्बन्ध में एक पत्र सोनिया गांधी को भेजा.  शपथ ग्रहण समारोह उसी दिन शाम 5 बजे होना था. तब लाज बचाने के लिए अंतिम पल में मनमोहन सिंह को लाया गया.    सोनियाजी द्वारा किया गया  त्याग महज एक नौटंकी था.   क्योंकि सच तो यह है कि सोनियाजी ने अलग अलग सांसदों द्वारा हस्ताक्षर किये गए 340 पत्र राष्ट्रपति कलाम को भेजे थे, जिनमें खुद के प्रधानमन्त्री बनने की योग्यता की वकालत की गयी थी. उनमें से एक पत्र में लिखा था – मैं, सोनिया गांधी, राय बरेली से चयनित सदस्या, सोनिया गांधी की प्रधानमंत्री पद के लिए प्रस्ताव रखती हूँ.   तो स्पष्ट है कि प्रधानमंत्री तो वह बनना चाहती थीं  जब तक उन्हें संवैधानिक प्रावधानों का पता नहीं था. गौरतलब यह कि उन्होंने कोई त्याग नहीं किया, दरअसल वह कानूनन रूप से देश की प्रधानमंती बन ही नहीं सकती थीं.    राहुलजी, आपको इस बात के लिए शर्मिन्दा होना चाहिए. सोनिया जी के पास एक विश्वसनीयता थी वो भी एक झूठ था.    अब ज़रा अपने बारे में सोचिये आप डोनेशन कोटा पर हार्वर्ड जाते हैं (हिंदुजा भाइयों ने हार्वर्ड को 11 मिलियन डॉलर उसी साल दिए जिस साल राजीव गांधी सत्ता में थे) आप 3 महीने में निकाले जाते हैं/आप 3 महीनों में ड्रॉप आउट हो जाते हैं ( दुर्भाग्य से मनमोहन सिंह उस समय हार्वर्ड के डीन नहीं थे, नहीं तो आपको एक चांस और मिल जाता. पर क्या करें, दुनिया में एक ही मनमोहन सिंह हैं) कुछ स्त्रोतों का कहना है, आपको राजीव गांधी की ह्त्या के कारण ड्रॉप आउट करना पडा. शायद ऐसा हो. लेकिन फिर आप हार्वर्ड से अर्थशास्त्र में मास्टर्स होने का झूठ क्यों बोलते रहे….जब तक कि आपके बायो- डाटा  पर डॉ. सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी (2G का खुलासा करने वाले) ने सवाल नहीं उठाया.  सैंट स्टीफेंस  में आप हिन्दी में फेल कर जाते हैं.  हिन्दी में फेल!! और आप देश के सबसे बड़े हिंदीभासी राज्य का प्रतिनिधत्व कर रहे हैं?   सोनिया गांधी की शैक्षिक उपलब्धियां सोनिया गांधी ने एक उम्मीदवार के रूप में एक हलफनामा दायर किया है जिसमें लिखा है कि उन्होंने कैम्ब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय से अंग्रेज़ी की पढाई की है. [ANNEXURE-6 7_37a देखें] कैम्ब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय के अनुसार ऐसी कोई छात्रा कभी थी ही नहीं! [ANNEXURE-7_39 देखें]  डॉ. सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी द्वारा एक केस दायर करने पर, उन्होंने अपने हलफनामा से कैम्ब्रिज की बात हटा दी. सोनिया गांधी ने हाई स्कूल तक पास नहीं किया. वो सिर्फ 5 वीं  पास हैं! शिक्षा के मामले में, मामले में वो 2G घोटाले के दूसरे सहयोगी करूणानिधि के बराबर हैं -  आप अपनी शिक्षा की नक़ली डिग्री दिखाते हैं; आपकी माँ अपनी शिक्षा की नक़ली डिग्री दिखाती हैं. और फिर आप युवाओं के बीच में आकर बोलते हैं : “हम राजनीति में शिक्षित युवाओं को चाहते हैं.”   EC और लोकसभा के स्पीकर को  डॉ. सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी द्वारा भेजे गए पत्र पढ़ें - ANNEXURE 7_36 &7_35   एक गांधीजी थे, वो दक्षिण अफ्रीका गए, वहाँ अपनी योग्यता से वकील बने, उसे दक्षिण अफ्रीका में सेवा करने के लिए छोड़ा, फिर अपने देश में सेवा करने के लिए…   क्यूंकि सच्चाई ये है कि  आप अभी तक राजनीति में नहीं आये हैं. दरअसल आप फैमिली  बिजनेस में आये हैं.  पहले राजनीति में आइये. राहुल गाँधी के नाम से नहीं, राओल विन्ची के नाम से चुनाव जीतकर दिखाइये. तब युवाओं और शिक्षित लोगों को राजनीति में आने की सीख दीजिए. और तब तक हमें सचिन पायलट, मिलिंद देवरा और नवीन जिंदल जैसे युवाओं का उदाहरण मत दीजिये जिन्होंने राजनीति  में पदार्पण किया है. वो राजनीतिज्ञ नहीं हैं. बस राजनीति में किसी तरह आ गए हैं. ठीक उसी तरह जैसे अभिषेक बच्चन और कई स्टारपुत्र जो अभिनेता नहीं है, बस अभिनय में किसी तरह आ गए हैं (कारण सभी जानते हैं) इसलिए बड़ी मेहरबानी होगी अगर आप युवाओं को राजनीति में आने की सीख देना  बंद करें जब तक खुद में थोड़ी काबिलियत ना आ जाए..   हम राजनीति में क्यों नहीं आ सकते! राहुल बाबा, थोडा समझो. आपके पूज्य पिताजी के बैंक खाते (स्विस) में 10,000 करोड़ रुपये थे  जब वो स्वर्गवासी हुए.  सामान्य युवाओं को ज़िंदगी जीने के लिए वर्क करना पड़ता है. आपके परिवार को बस थोड़ा नेटवर्क करना पड़ता है. अगर हमारे पिता ने हमारे लिए हज़ारों करोड़ रुपए छोड़े होते तो शायद हम भी राजनीति में आने की सोचते… लेकिन हमें काम करना पड़ता है. सिर्फ अपने लिए नहीं, आपके लिए भी. ताकि हमारी कमाई का 30% हिस्सा टैक्स के रूप में सरकार के पास जाए जो आपके स्विस बैंक और अन्य व्यक्तिगत बैंक खातों में पहुँचाया जा सके. इसलिए प्यारे राहुल, बुरा ना मानो अगर युवा राजनीति में नहीं आ पाते. हम आपके चुनाव अभियानों और गाँवों में हैलीकॉप्टर यात्राओं के लिए भरपूर योगदान दे रहे हैं. आप जैसे नेताओं बनाम राजकुमारों को  पालने के लिए किसी को तो कमाना पडेगा, खून पसीना एक करना पडेगा.   कोई आश्चर्य नहीं आप गांधी नहीं, सिर्फ नाम के गांधी हैं! एयर इंडिया, KG गैस डिविजन, 2G, CWG, स्विस बैंक खातों की जानकारियाँ…हसन अली, KGB. अनगिनत उदाहरण हैं आपके परिवार के कारनामों के.  उसके बाद सोनिया गांधी ने नवम्बर 2010 में इलाहाबाद की पार्टी रैली में भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ ‘जीरो टोलेरेंस’ की घोषणा की. पाखण्ड की भी हद है! आप शर्मिन्दा होना चाहते हैं न! यह सोचकर शर्मिन्दा होइए कि देश का  प्रथम राजनैतिक परिवार  क्या से क्या बन गया है… …एक पैसा कमाने की शर्मनाक मशीन!   कोई आश्चर्य नहीं कि आप अपने रक्त से गांधी नहीं हैं. गाँधी तो बस एक अपनाया हुआ नाम है. आखिरकार इंदिरा ने महात्मा गाँधी के बेटे से शादी नहीं की थी, अगर गाँधी का एक भी जीन आपके DNA में होता तो आप इतनी क्षुद्र महत्त्वाकांक्षा से ग्रस्त  नहीं होते ( सिर्फ पैसा बनाने की महत्त्वाकांक्षा) !   आप सच में शर्मिंदा होना चाहते हैं. यह सोचकर शर्मिन्दा होइए कि आप जैसे तथाकथित गांधियों ने गांधी की विरासत का क्या हाल किया है.  कभी-कभी लगता है शायद गांधी ने अपने नाम का कॉपीराईट कराया होता. फिलहाल मेरी सलाह है कि सोनिया गांधी अपना नाम बदल कर $onia Gandhi कर लें, और आप अपने नाम Rahul/Raul की शुरुआत रुपये के नए सिम्बल से करें.   राओल विंची: ‘मुझे खुद को भारतीय कहने में शर्म आती है. हमें भी आपको भारतीय कहते हुए शर्म आती है.’   उपसंहार: पोपुलर मीडिया को अपनी बात मनवाने के लिए खरीदा, ब्लैकमेल या नियंत्रित किया जाता है. मेरा मानना है कि सामाजिक मीडिया अभी भी के लोकतांत्रिक मंच है. (अब वो इसे भी नियंत्रित करने के लिए क़ानून ला रहे हैं!) तब तक हम ये सवाल पूछते रहें  जब तक जवाब ना मिल जाएं. . आखिर में हम सब गांधी हैं, क्योंकि हम भी बापू की संतान हैं.   अधिक जानकारी के लिए डॉ. सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी के बारे में पता लगाते रहें. आज उनके कारण 2G घोटाले की जांच हो रही है. वो एक भूतपूर्व केंद्रीय क़ानून मंत्री हैं.
Rahul Gandhi with his girl friend Veronica


In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter! Such is her revealed disdain for Indian laws and that is her mindset even today.
She did not apply for Indian citizenship in 1968 when she married Rajiv and came to India, which is what good Indian wives would have done. She filled in an application in 1968 for permission to stay as a foreigner in India for five years. She said I am married, I am married into the family of the Indian Prime Minister but I would still like to remain a foreigner. So she was given a certificate in 1968 to reside in India as a foreigner for five years. Okay, this may have been due to some adjustment problems.
In 1973, after the first five year period expired, she again applied for the permit to stay on India for another five years as a foreigner and this is the person who is going to live and die for us. I will now come to what Cho, my friend told me, never believe what she says. There is not only complete divorce between what she says and what she does there is also a clue that she will do precisely the opposite of what she says. I will come to it later, there are instances and instances. So, she again applied for a foreigner’s permit. You know why? Between 1968 and 1973, the indications were all there of the imminent war with Pakistan over East Pakistan. And sure enough, there was the Bangladesh war. During the Bangladesh war, when all commercial pilots were asked to forego their leave and come into service, she asked Rajeev to go on a long leave and he was given special permission and they left India. And throughout the period of the war, they were in Rome. Why, because the American seventh fleet was moving towards India and Sonia Gandhi probably had serious doubts about India’s survival! So she ran away from the country with her husband; to that extent faithful. And she returned only after peace was restored, after India had won the war, when because of Indira Gandhi, that family acquired stature and became invincible.
So, we have to read between the lines, you have to look at the persons behind the skin. So, in 1973, she again applied for a permit to remain a foreigner in India. Now let us come to the period between 1973 and 1978. In the year 1977 when Mrs. Gandhi was defeated after she lifted the Emergency and called for elections, Sonia Gandhi learnt the mood of the nation and she went into the Italian embassy and refused to come out of it. She said she was going back to Italy. Sanjay Gandhi had to go and plead with her to return. This is the person who is going to live and die for India, please understand.To live in India is very different from living for India. And to live in India in such glory, with such protection, with such resources, is very different from dying for India. No one will die for something which one does not own up to. Owning up to India is different from thinking you own India.
Abandoning India at the time of crisis
The bottom line observed in Sonia’s mindset is that she can always run back to Italy if she becomes vulnerable at anytime. In Peru, President Fujimori who all along claimed to be “born Peruvian”, faced with a corruption charge fled to Japan with his loot and reclaimed his Japanese citizenship.
In 1977, when the Janata Party defeated the Congress at the polls, and formed the government, Sonia with her two children, abandoned Indira Gandhi and ran to the Italian Embassy in New Delhi and hid there. Rajiv Gandhi was a government servant then [as an Indian Airlines pilot], but he too tagged along and hid in that foreign embassy! Such was her baneful influence on him. Rajiv did snap out Sonia’s influence after 1989, but alas he was assassinated before he could rectify it. Those close to Rajiv knew that he was planning set things right about Sonia after the 1991 elections. She did too know of it because he had told her. Ever wonder why Sonia’s closest advisers are those whom Rajiv literally hated? Ambika Soni is one such name. Ever wonder why she asked the President of India to set aside, on a mercy petition, the Supreme Court judgment directing that Rajiv Gandhi’s LTTE killers be hanged to death, when she was not similarly moved for Satwant Singh who killed Indira Gandhi or recently for Dhanajoy Chattopadhyaya? The explanation for this special consideration for the LTTE lies in what Rajiv had told her in 1990.


Sonia’s connection with India is always found with all wrong reasons.  A rational analysis of what India gained vs. what India lost reveals a shocking picture.
Foreign Agency initiated marriage to Rajiv
The circumstance under which Rajiv hastily married Sonia in a Church in Orbassano is controversial but that was his personal matter that has no public significance. But what is of public significance is that Indira Gandhi who was initially dead set against the marriage for reasons known to her, relented to hold a registry marriage with Hindu ceremonial trappings in New Delhi only after the pro-Soviet T.N. Kaul prevailed upon her to accept the marriage in “the larger interest of cementing Indo-Soviet Friendship”. Kaul would not have intervened unless the Soviet Union had asked him to.
Such has been the extensive patronage from the beginning extended to Sonia Gandhi from the Soviets. When a Prime Minister of India’s son dates a girl in London, the KGB which valued Indo-Soviet relations, obviously would investigate her and find out that she was the daughter of Stefano, their old reliable Italian contact. Thus, Sonia with Rajiv meant deeper access to the household of the Indian Prime Minister. Hence cementing the Rajiv-Sonia relations was in the Soviet national interest and they went to work on it. And they did through their then existing moles in the Indira Gandhi camp.
After her marriage to Rajiv, the Soviet connection with the Mainos was fortified and nurtured by generous financial help through commissions and kickbacks on every Indo, Soviet trade deal and defense purchases. According to the respected Swiss magazine, Schweitzer Illustrate [November 1991 issue], Rajiv Gandhi had about $ 2 billion in numbered Swiss bank accounts, which Sonia inherited upon his assassination. Dr. Yevgenia Albats, PhD [Harvard], is a noted Russian scholar and journalist, and was a member of the KGB Commission set up by President Yeltsin in August 1991. She was privy to the Soviet intelligence files that documented these deals and KGB facilitation of the same. In her book, The State within a State, The KGB in Soviet Union, she even gives the file numbers of such intelligence files, which can now be accessed by any Indian government through a formal request to the Kremlin.
The Russian Government in 1992 was confronted by the Albats’ disclosure; they confirmed it through their official spokesperson to the press [which was published in Hindu in 1992], defending such financial payments as necessary in “Soviet ideological interest”.
When the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991, things changed for Ms. Sonia Gandhi. Her patrons evaporated. The rump that became Russia was in a financial mess and disorder. So Ms. Sonia Gandhi became a supporter of another communist country to the annoyance of the Russians.
The national security ramification of this ‘annoyance’ is now significant: The President of Russia today is Putin, a former dyed-in-the-wool KGB officer. Upon Dr. Manmohan Singh’s government taking office, Russia called back it’s career diplomat Ambassador in New Delhi and immediately posted as the new Ambassador a person who was the KGB station chief in New Delhi during the 1970s. In view of Dr. Albats confirmed revelation, it stands to reason that the new Ambassador would have known first hand about Sonia’s connections with the KGB. He may have in fact been her “controller”. The new Indian government which is defacto Sonia’s, cannot afford to annoy him or even disregard Russian demands coming from him? They will obviously placate him so as not to risk exposure. Is this not a major national security risk and a delicate matter for the nation?
Of course, all Indians would like good normal and healthy relations with Russia. Who can forget their assistance to us in times of need? Today’s Russia is the residual legatee of that Soviet Union which helped India. But just because of that, should we tolerate those in our government set up having clandestine links with a foreign spy agency? In the United States, the government did not tolerate an American spying for Israel even though the two countries are as close as any two countries can be. National security and friendship are as different as chalk and cheese.


(Dr. Subramaniam Swamy)
Ms. Sonia Gandhi upon learning enough English became a waitress in Varsity Restaurant in Cambridge town. She first met Rajiv when he came to the restaurant in 1965. Rajiv was a student in the University, but could not cope with the academic rigor for long. So he had to depart in 1966 for London where he was briefly in Imperial College of Engineering as a student. Sonia too moved to London, and according to my information, got a job with an outfit run by Salman Thassir, a debonair Pakistani based in Lahore, and who has an export-import company headquartered in Dubai but who spends most of his time in London. This fits the profile of an ISI functionary.
Obviously, Sonia made enough money in this job to loan Rajiv funds in London, who was obviously living beyond his allowances [Indira herself expressed anguish to me on this score in late 1965 when she invited me to a private tea at the Guest House in Brandeis University]. Rajiv’s letters to Sanjay, who was also in London then, clearly indicate that he was in financial debt to Sonia because he requested Sanjay who obviously had more access to money, to pay off the debt.
However, Rajiv was not the only friend Sonia was seeing those days. Madhavrao Scindia and a German by name Stiegler are worth mentioning as other good friends of Sonia. Madhavrao’s friendship continued even after Sonia’s marriage to Rajiv. Scindia in 1982 was involved in a traffic accident near IIT, Delhi main gate while driving a car at 2 AM. Sonia was the only other passenger. Both were badly injured. A student of IIT who was burning midnight oil was out for a cup of coffee. He picked them up from the car, hailed an auto rickshaw and sent an injured Sonia to Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s house since she insisted in not going to a hospital. Madhavrao had broken a leg and in too much pain to make any demand. He was taken to hospital by the Delhi Police who had arrived a little after Sonia had left the scene. In later years, Madhavrao had become privately critical of Sonia, and told some close friends about his apprehensions about Sonia. It is a pity that he died in mysterious circumstances in an air crash.



Sonia is known for her vindictive nature. She is known not to spare even her party men and routinely humiliates them. She even humiliated the dead body by denying a respectful funeral, of former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao who did not encourage Sonia’s political growth.
Nationalism and confidence in India
Sonia abandoned India during 1971 war and in 1977 when Indira Gandhi lost elections she hid herself in Italian embassy. She did not even apply for Indian citizenship for 16 years though living in Prime Minister’s house.
Moral principles vs. political Gains
Sonia,in 1997, Sonia pulled down United Front Government at centre because a political party DMK, a constituent of United Front Government was found to be close to her husband’s killers i.e., LTTE. Every election costs Indian tax payer billions of rupees. But in 2004, she joined hands with same DMK to gain power.
Sonia was almost and always in news due to some scandal or scam. Maruti Scam, Foreign Exchange Regulations Act, Indian Artifacts smuggling, Bofors kickbacks, Indira/Rajiv Trusts and Indira Arts Center usurpation, political manipulations are some of the widely published notorious scandals she was involved in.

Sonia: Except for scandals, scams and intolerance primarily towards Hindu institutions, she has no positive contribution to lay claim to.


Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrierte published an explosive story in its issue dated Nov. 11, 1991 which disclosed that fourteen rules or ex-rulers of the third world countries have a deposit of foreign currencies equivalent to Rs. 5 lakh 50 thousand crores in Swiss banks.   The magazine printed the names, photographs and the amount deposited by each of them.  They included Idi Amin of Uganda, Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua, Jean Claude Duvalier of Haiti, Manuel Noriega of Panama, Seke Moboto of Zaire, Nicolai Chausescue of Rumania, Haile Selassie of Thiopia, Abu Nida of Palestine, Jaafar Numeiri of Sudan, Suharto of Indonesia, Saddam Hussain of Iraq, Jaa B. Bokassa of Zontralafrika, Rajiv Gandhi of India and Reza Pahlevi of Iran, in that order.  The amount said to be deposited by Rajiv Gandhi in various Swiss Banks was 2 billion US dollars.  Most of them, who figure in the list, are infamous for being corrupt, nationally and internationally.  The magazine which published this story is supposed to be a very serious publication.

CPI(M) MP Amal dutta raised the matter in parliament, and he did mention the name of Rajiv Gandhi and the amount, but nothing could go on record for there was pandemonium from treasury benches which happened to be occupied by the Congress at that time.  There upon, Sunday Mail carried this story and reproduced the photographs and money mentioned under their names which in turn was published in the Hindi daily Amar Ujala, too.  The point to note was that Congress Government neither confirmed the story nor denied it.  No defamation suit was filed by any of the fourteen leaders or by their relatives.  This speaks volume about the Rajiv-Sonia couple.  India can get her money back, according to the Swiss laws, if prosecution proceedings are finally launched against the heirs of Rajiv Gandhi.


SONIA is a staunch roman catholic and she is be fooling the HINDU masses by putting tilak on forehead and by performing pooja in HINDU temples and bowing the head before pujari etc.She pretend to be Hindu,which she is not.We are quoting a report published on 24th march 2011,which is self explanatory.
Indian envoy refers to Sonia as ‘Christian,’ reference is deleted
For the Congress, the subject of Sonia Gandhi’s religion is a touchy one and generally off-limits when it comes to official communications.
Just how sensitive an issue it is was revealed last month when the official representative of the UPA Government in Washington, Ambassador Meera Shankar, delivered a speech at a US university referring to Sonia Gandhi being a Christian as a testament to India’s pluralism and diversity. However, that reference was later quickly deleted.
In her keynote speech on the subject “Why India Matters” at Emory University on February 24, Shankar said: “India is a land of incredible diversity. Like the United States it celebrates pluralism. It not only tolerates diversity but has embraced it and has allowed people from all walks of life to flourish and realize their full potential. This is a tradition that is rooted in our civilization. Throughout our history peoples from other parts of the world have come to India and made it a home, resulting in a multi-cultural and multi-religious society, one where individual faith and belief is not only respected but adds to the overall sense of nationhood. Today the fact that we have a woman Head of State, a Sikh Head of Government and a Muslim Vice President and a Christian as the leader of the largest national political party is perhaps the best statement of the multi-ethnic and multi-religious nature of our state.”


Sonia,under her rule ‘Satyameva jayathe’ has been replaced by a Christian cross used by Louis the Pious (778-840) on currency coins.

christian cross on coins of french denier_louis_le_pieux
Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi, had a clear foresight about missionaries. On numerous occasions he condemned missionary activity. He said “If I had the power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing.” He further said “The effect of Christianity upon India in general…has been disastrous.” Regarding conversion Gandhi said “The idea of conversion, I assure you is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth.”  He also said “Conversion is like a drop of poison which fouls the whole food” and that “poverty does not.

justify conversion”.

Sonia is known for her sympathy and support to deceitful proselytization. Her party granted the high-security Air Force field to Benny Hinn to hold his healing charade that even Christian Trinity Foundation declared as a fraud. A leader of seventh day Adventist church, Ron Watts was ordered deportation by courts for his illegal activities. He seems to have been blessed by Sonia and continues to live in India. The state Governors she appointed have been consistently rejecting State laws to enact anti-conversion laws to prevent conversion of poor.


Tirupati Tirumala

Sonia,in her opinion and according to the affidavit submitted in Supreme Court, Ram is a fictional character and Ramayana never happened. Under her rule ‘Rama Sethu’ is being blown up just like Taliban blew up Buddha Statues.  Her protégé Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister have attempted to take over 5 out of 7 Tirumala Hills for building Churches and Tourism.  This is akin to non-Christians taking over Vatican for building their worship places.  Her reasons for not taking firm action against terrorism are two fold.  One is the sense that investigation would hurt vote bank and another is that the overwhelming number of those who were killed in the terrorism are Hindus who are not from the vote bank.  As recently as few weeks she visited Andhra Pradesh that witnessed the brutal terrorist attack that killed more than 50 people and she did not go visit the city where attack occurred (Hyderabad) because those affected are not her vote banks .
Ram Setu


Sonia:  is violent and her violence spans Political, Spiritual and Physical spheres.  The way she installed herself to become congress president, the way she treats congressmen and opponents speaks volumes in Political Sphere.  Her crusade against Hinduism such as Rama Sethu (historic bridge built by Lord Ram, as per Hindu Holy Book, “Ramayana”) speaks of spiritual violence.  In the Physical sphere, Sonia was sympathetic in Congress party and in Government to the killers of 3000 Sikhs, where innocent Sikhs on streets of New Delhi were lynched to death. Jagdish Tytler who was one of the instigators of the lynching was rewarded with a Government ministry. Central Government provided a weak defense in courts and no congressmen was ever punished for the anti-Sikh pogrom. Rajiv Gandhi whose wife is Sonia even justified the killings by saying "When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake".  She is pursuing pro-terrorist policies for vote banks that resulted in number of killings in last three years she was in power just next to Iraq.
Source           (The 2011 WikiLeaks cable leaks revealed that the United States was convinced about the complicity of Indian Government ruled by the Indian National Congress in the pogrom, and termed it as "opportunism" and "hatred" of the Congress government against Sikhs. wikipedia)


By Dr. Subramaniam Swamy presently the President of the Janata Party of India.
Antonia is Sonia’s real name in her birth certificate. Sonia is the name given to her subsequently by her father, Stefano Maino [now deceased] following his return from Russia where he had been a prisoner of war. Stefano had joined the Nazi army as a volunteer. Sonia is a Russian not Italian name. While spending two years in a Russian jail, Sonia’s father had become quite pro-Soviet; especially after the liberating US army in Italy had confiscated all fascists’ properties including his.
Second, she was not born in Orbassano as she claims in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming MP, but in Luciana as stated in her birth certificate. She perhaps would like to hide the place of her birth because of her father’s connection with the Nazis and Mussolini’s Fascists, and her family’s continuing connections with the Nazi-Fascists underground that is still surviving since 1945 in Italy. Luciana is where Nazi-Fascist network is headquartered, and is on the Italian-Swiss border. There can be no other explanation for this otherwise.
meaningless lie.

Third, Sonia Gandhi has not studied beyond High School. She has falsely claimed in her affidavit filed as a contesting candidate before the Rae Bareli Returning Officer in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections that she is qualified and got a diploma in English from the prestigious University of Cambridge, UK .
The truth is that Ms. Gandhi has never studied in any college anywhere. She did go to a Catholic run seminary-school called Maria Ausiliatrice in Giaveno [15 kms from adopted home town of Orbassabo]. Poverty those days forced young Italian girls to go to such missionaries and then in their teens go to UK to get jobs as cleaning maids, waitresses and au pair. The Mainos were poor those days. Her father was a mason and mother a share cropper.
She isn’t particularly educated, and never attended college. Her certificate in English, perhaps in a 10-week course, is from an institute that no longer exists.The educational qualifications on her Lok Sabha resume read:“
(i) Three years course in foreign languages (English & French) completed in 1964 at Istituto Santa Teresa, Turin (Italy).
(ii) Certificate in English from Lennox Cook School, Cambridge (UK) completed in 1965.”
Istituto Santa Teresa is a primary school and shouldn’t have been mentioned. Lennox Cook School, now gone, was a tuition class unrelated to Cambridge University.
Born in December 1946, Sonia got her certificate at 18. She’s had no education since. Her important qualification is for English, but those who watch her on television are struck by how poor her English is. She cannot express complex ideas in it.
Incidentally, the Nehru-Gandhis were all dull students. Indira failed in Oxford’s Somerville College, Rajiv failed in Trinity College, Cambridge, and his brother Sanjay could not even clear high school.

 Sonia thus went to the town of Cambridge and first learnt some English in a teaching shop called Lennox School [which has since 1970 been wound up]. That is all her “education” which is enough English language to get domestic help jobs. But in Indian society education is highly valued. Thus, to fool the Indian public, Sonia Gandhi willfully fibbed about her qualifications in Parliamentary records [which is a Breach of Ethics Rules] and in a sworn affidavit [which is criminal offence under IPC, severe enough to disqualify her from being MP.
This is just a beginning.  As this booklet unfolds Sonia’s story, it reveals shocking details on the corruption and fraud, disrespect for Indian laws, alarming threat to democracy of India, religious intolerance towards Hinduism, pro-terrorist policies, dividing country to perpetuate dynasty rule.
Sonia:  lied from President of India to a common man. She lied to the President about the number of MPs supporting her and to a common man on a trivial issue such as her educational qualification. She says that she is outside Government but controls every move Government makes and there is no record of her ever admitting or apologizing for any lies and mistakes.

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